#FBPE as Internationalized British Patriotism

This article was written by Sune Auken It is not recognized often enough what a great and patriotic service #FBPE does for the international status of the United Kingdom. Observing the Brexit process from an EU27-perspective has been quite frustrating. I sometimes stop and wonder to what extent British politicians and debaters are able to… Continue reading #FBPE as Internationalized British Patriotism

Pour une Europe forte qui protège, mais pas seulement !

Article écrit par José Marin  Lorsque Ezereal m’a contacté, pour me proposer de me joindre à cette initiative des FBPE, j’ai beaucoup hésité. Non pas parce que je ne m’enthousiasmait pas de participer à promouvoir l’idée européenne, mais juste parce que je n’ai jamais écrit pour les autres, pour être lu sur internet. Si finalement… Continue reading Pour une Europe forte qui protège, mais pas seulement !

FBPE c’est quoi au juste ? Explications !

Article écrit par Ezereal  Les FBPE selon les FBPE eux-mêmes, quoi de mieux pour comprendre ce mouvement dont le succès est grandissant ? Il s’agit d’une initiative créée aux Pays-Bas afin d’unir les gens au-delà des frontières, au-delà des partis et ce afin de combattre l’extrémisme/populisme et défendre des valeurs européennes communes. Peu importe la… Continue reading FBPE c’est quoi au juste ? Explications !

FBPE and the European values we defend

French This article was written by Kris. What is “FBPE?” FBPE, “Follow Back Pro Europe”, is a movement dedicated to European fundamental values, and combatting populism and anti-democratic populist movements across the EU which stand counter to those values. Not beholden to any single political party or entity, we strive to provide information, support, and… Continue reading FBPE and the European values we defend

How the European Union can reduce its dependency on Russian energy

It’s a fact that Russia is seen in the European Union as a threat to the national security of many countries in the bloc, and in the entire West, much because of the recent actions done by Russia, including its aggression in Ukraine — although sanctions against Russia for the continued aggression are already in place; and because… Continue reading How the European Union can reduce its dependency on Russian energy

FBPE – The history of a movement

Français After the victory of the Leave-camp in the Brexit referendum in June 2016 and the defeat of Hillary Clinton in the presidential elections in America a few months later, many people feared that far-right parties might take over power in several EU-countries after the elections that were scheduled for 2017.

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