Boris Johnson described Africa as a “blot” and said that it would be better if it was colonised again. He wrote that “The problem is not that we were once in charge, but that we are not in charge anymore”. Now you know what they mean by new deals! Throughout my commentary of the past… Continue reading Boris Johnson
Author: fbpe-team
Through the void
This story was written by Marianne Velvart STAGE 2 ATTENTION LADIES AND GENTLEMEN AND CONGRATULATIONS! You have begun de-construction prior to boarding this flight and have successfully passed Stage 1! You have stepped into pools smooth as glass and have emerged like Lalique, vulnerable, transparent, valuable and clean. Those pools – mirror sheets now stained… Continue reading Through the void
Des hommes de Paix est né un projet de Paix qui nous a donné une des plus belles unions humaines: EUROPA
Article écrit par @Loux111 En 1993, j’imaginais l’Europe. Aujourd’hui j’ai 47 ans, je vois cette EUROPA dans toute sa splendeur. Je la vois dans sa puissance dans sa position dans le monde face aux autres grandes puissances. Je la vois à travers des actions concrètes pour protéger l’environnement, la sécurité alimentaire, l’emploi, nos intérêts… Continue reading Des hommes de Paix est né un projet de Paix qui nous a donné une des plus belles unions humaines: EUROPA
The Bungalow. A Brexit Allegory.
This story was written by Pilar Gomez I will tell you a little story. I was offered an excellent deal once on a cute little bungalow with high ceilings and a polished carved wooden door. It sat on the edge of a pretty village. The sizeable plot it sat in was populated with fruit trees… Continue reading The Bungalow. A Brexit Allegory.
The house that the Union Jack built
This article was written by Marianne Velvart Heard it with my own ears. Ken Clark just now on radio4 said: “By sad coincidence, the opposition is being led by hard line brexiteer left wing neo nazis”. Whoa!! Zero punches pulled. If only he’d have been as straight about the dirty nature of the ref, the… Continue reading The house that the Union Jack built
Social Darwinism
This article was written by Marianne Velvart It is a massive lie that the ‘story’ can be all about us ie UK or America first! Every ill in the world is due to this selfsame error as it ever was. Thanks to our politicians we’ve rubbed dirt into the weeping sore of the earth.… Continue reading Social Darwinism
Pour les amoureux de l’Europe, une année 2019 pleine d’espoir !
Article écrit par Ezereal Bonne Année à tous chers Européens ! 2019 a bien commencé avec nos amis londoniens qui ont transformé le London Eye en immense message anti-Brexit, le maire Sadhiq Khan a ainsi rappelé que Londres a voté majoritairement pour rester en Europe et restera toujours Européenne dans l’âme ! Une année qui… Continue reading Pour les amoureux de l’Europe, une année 2019 pleine d’espoir !
Two poems by Pilar Gomez
Hail 2 years suspended Uncertain futures A life of broken plans A Home with a bolt on the door Who will slide it open? Will they unlock it and when? Aged old friends too embarrassed to think Too frightened to look lest they feel the burn of personal responsibility. Sops and platitudes rain down as… Continue reading Two poems by Pilar Gomez
Why is Tommy Robinson still free to doorstep his critics?
This article was written by Mike Stuchbery For those who missed it, here’s a quick article about something ‘Tommy Robinson’ did last week, and several serious questions it raises. For the last few weeks, a young man called Luke… Continue reading Why is Tommy Robinson still free to doorstep his critics?
Grass-Roots Campaigning – SODEM
This article was written by Pilar Gomez Anti-Brexit group SODEM, started by the amazing Steve Bray, is a movement which has stood outside UK Parliament when it sits, engaging passers-by and MPs who are going in and out for well over a year now. Their aim is to keep Remain on the table and… Continue reading Grass-Roots Campaigning – SODEM